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A Dose of Optimism

Welcome back to The Founder’s Memo written by Liz Giorgi. This month we’re chatting about the world, loneliness, and how to remain optimistic.

Liz Giorgi
Liz Giorgi
CEO & Co-Founder
Liz Giorgi
CEO & Co-Founder
November 15, 2023

If you, like me, have felt like you have been pummeled by the absolute onslaught of bad news this year, then there is some good news: you are not alone. Somehow, despite all the graphic images of war, the endless headlines about the economy, and the never-ending pressure of inflation, I still find solace in knowing that there are people out there that also feel like I feel. Who don’t just want, but actually NEED, regular infusions of optimism in their life to achieve their peak performance. 

A headline I keep clicking on? The ones about the loneliness epidemic spreading across the country. The events of the last few years have created a loneliness epidemic, so much so that the U.S. Surgeon General even released a report on the topic. The lockdowns of COVID plus war plus a rapidly changing world has created a culture that is lonelier than ever. Just 20 years ago, in 2003, the average American spent 20 more hours per month with friends in person. That’s about 5 hours a week that we used to spend connecting and socializing that has all but disappeared.  

The result? People feel more disconnected than at any time in documented human history. I know that I have felt this, personally. Even recently at a wedding, I found myself hiding away in a bathroom scrolling on my phone instead of dancing and connecting with others. Intellectually, I can identify how sad this makes me. But if I’m honest, sometimes, I truly feel out of practice when it comes to human connection one on one. 

Now let’s add the work layer on top of this. Work as a largely virtual task the last few years has created fewer opportunities for socializing with colleagues. Less connections with others in our industry at events or trade shows. When we don’t have these opportunities to socialize at random, it’s no wonder we get out of practice!

And yet, I find myself optimistic. I know, but hang with me!  

I think the answer is simple. And my guess is that amongst all the things going on in the world and in our careers at this moment, there are few things with simple answers. Hell, I’ll take a simple thing! The simple thing is to just take the time to see another person. 

  • Invite a colleague to a long lunch.
  • Go to happy hour with your old work friends. Or new work friends.
  • Ask a client if they want to skip Zoom and go on a walk.
  • Skip the drive thru coffee and sit in an actual coffee shop! Bonus points if you strike up a conversation.
  • Just call someone instead of texting.
  • Say thank you to someone! (We are spending all of November thanking clients - LIKE YOU - for being loyal to us.)

These little tasks will not solve the world's big and overwhelming problems. But it will bring you closer to your own center. And when we are centered, things feel a little more stable. And there is a little part of me that doesn’t wonder: would we all be better off if we didn’t feel so alone? Would the world get better more quickly if we felt more together to begin with? I don’t know, but it’s worth a shot. 


If you, like me, have felt like you have been pummeled by the absolute onslaught of bad news this year, then there is some good news: you are not alone. Somehow, despite all the graphic images of war, the endless headlines about the economy, and the never-ending pressure of inflation, I still find solace in knowing that there are people out there that also feel like I feel. Who don’t just want, but actually NEED, regular infusions of optimism in their life to achieve their peak performance. 

A headline I keep clicking on? The ones about the loneliness epidemic spreading across the country. The events of the last few years have created a loneliness epidemic, so much so that the U.S. Surgeon General even released a report on the topic. The lockdowns of COVID plus war plus a rapidly changing world has created a culture that is lonelier than ever. Just 20 years ago, in 2003, the average American spent 20 more hours per month with friends in person. That’s about 5 hours a week that we used to spend connecting and socializing that has all but disappeared.  

The result? People feel more disconnected than at any time in documented human history. I know that I have felt this, personally. Even recently at a wedding, I found myself hiding away in a bathroom scrolling on my phone instead of dancing and connecting with others. Intellectually, I can identify how sad this makes me. But if I’m honest, sometimes, I truly feel out of practice when it comes to human connection one on one. 

Now let’s add the work layer on top of this. Work as a largely virtual task the last few years has created fewer opportunities for socializing with colleagues. Less connections with others in our industry at events or trade shows. When we don’t have these opportunities to socialize at random, it’s no wonder we get out of practice!

And yet, I find myself optimistic. I know, but hang with me!  

I think the answer is simple. And my guess is that amongst all the things going on in the world and in our careers at this moment, there are few things with simple answers. Hell, I’ll take a simple thing! The simple thing is to just take the time to see another person. 

  • Invite a colleague to a long lunch.
  • Go to happy hour with your old work friends. Or new work friends.
  • Ask a client if they want to skip Zoom and go on a walk.
  • Skip the drive thru coffee and sit in an actual coffee shop! Bonus points if you strike up a conversation.
  • Just call someone instead of texting.
  • Say thank you to someone! (We are spending all of November thanking clients - LIKE YOU - for being loyal to us.)

These little tasks will not solve the world's big and overwhelming problems. But it will bring you closer to your own center. And when we are centered, things feel a little more stable. And there is a little part of me that doesn’t wonder: would we all be better off if we didn’t feel so alone? Would the world get better more quickly if we felt more together to begin with? I don’t know, but it’s worth a shot. 


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