More ways to make content
Royalty-free, hassle-free model booking
Browse hundreds of diverse models and pro stylists right inside soona to crew your shoot in a few clicks.
Find the perfect model faster
Filter by gender identity, age, body type, availability, and more to cast the right talent for any production.
No contracts. No calendars. No chaos.
Schedule models in minutes by eliminating all the scouting, negotiating, and tedious paperwork.
Cast and create in one platform
Book models and create content in one place for creative that’s always on-vision and on-brand.

Get content and products on the same page
Connect Shopify and Amazon to manage, analyze, and update product listings as you create content in soona.
Sync your store in a few clicks
Automatically pull product names, SKUs, media, and other catalog data into soona. No data entry required.
Improve your listings at scale
Uncover impactful listing insights and push content updates to your online store without leaving soona.
Link products to assets and shoots
Save time organizing content and briefing shoots with easy-to-add product tags linked to your listings.
Lite DAM, big features—built for teams
Make your content accessible to the entire org or just key stakeholders to view, download, or order edits.

Organize content into albums

Find specific assets with AI-powered search

Share galleries for frictionless collaboration
Smart optimization made stupid simple
Find, sort, and execute optimization opportunities across all your listings.