meet the founders

Elizabeth Giorgi – ceo & Hayley Anderson – cpo

soona was founded by Liz Giorgi and Hayley Anderson. Liz and Hayley are a dynamic founding creative team with a shared vision of using tech to enhance the work of creatives and improve access to high-quality custom content. they are driven to provide meaningful jobs in their studio stores while advancing their mission of making quality content accessible to brands of all sizes. together they created the Candor Clause. an open source legal disclosure to help close the gender gap in VC. the two met at Liz’s first company: Mighteor. the production company was one of the first in the country to provide online video strategy to brands as large as Facebook and U.S. Bank. Mighteor was acquired by in 2020.

got a big project?

ready to scale your content?
have a large project in mind?
need guidance building a custom shoot?
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