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A complete guide to starting a Shopify store

The good news is, getting started with a Shopify store is easier than you might think! Here is a go-to guide for starting a Shopify store.

Marissa Noble Hemingway
Marissa Noble Hemingway
sr social media manager
Marissa Noble Hemingway
sr social media manager
October 11, 2022

A Complete Guide to Starting a Shopify Store

This is the moment. You put your heart and soul (too much? never.) into creating a new product and it’s officially time to share the labor of your love with the world. The good news is, getting started with a Shopify store is easier than you might think! Since Shopify offers a 14-day free trial, you can get started in just a few clicks and experiment with the platform as much as you want. With the right domain name, product listings, and product photography, you can customize your store to reach your ideal customers and start converting sales. Shopify is one of the best options for selling products online and it's a breeze to set up. Let’s get into it. Here is a go-to guide for starting a Shopify store.

Setting up your Shopify store

Starting a Shopify store is easy. Just follow these steps and you’ll be on your way to sales!

Go to Shopify

First things first, click “start free trial” on the Shopify homepage at the top right corner. Enter your registration details, create a strong password, and set up a two-step authentication for store login. (A safe account will ensure your customers' information is safe.)

Choose a business name

The next step is choosing a business name. The store name should be the same as the brand name. Pick a name that is easy to remember. Go for something short and simple. Add the word “store” at the end of your business name. You can use the free Shopify business name generator for the ecommerce name. Make sure you add a keyword to your business name. Come up with about ten names. And make sure that the name you choose is not trademarked!

Create your Shopify account

Shopify has made the process of creating an online store seamless. It only takes a few clicks to get set up, even if you opt for the free 14-day trial. After creating a shop, you can add products, pick a theme, and configure the shipping and payment options. 

Click on Get Started, then enter your email address, password, and store name. Enter necessary information once done. Shopify will redirect you to the admin panel. Go with the basic plan for $29 per month to test everything on Shopify once the trial period ends. You can scale up as your business grows.

Choose a theme

Now the fun part! It's time to think about how your store will look. We all know first impressions are EVERYTHING, so this step is crucial. Go to Shopify Theme to choose from a variety of options. Shopify has hundreds of free and paid themes to choose from. A free theme allows you to adjust carousel slides, colors, fonts, and add your logo to give it a personal touch. Premium themes have additional modifications to create a professional-looking storefronts. Use HTML and CSS to add even more customization options.


Add products

You’re doing great so far! Now it’s time to add products to your online store. Go to the products tab and click on add product to start. The product listing is a vital part of your store because it helps customers decide whether they want to purchase! Make sure you check out other Shopify stores to see their product display and get inspired. Here are the aspects to include in your product listing.

Product Title

The product title needs to show what you are selling clearly. Keep it short and use relevant keywords to help customers find your products.

Product descriptions

The product description outlines the benefits and features of a product. Explain to customers everything they need to know about the product. Make it easy to read. Use short paragraphs. Include bullet points where necessary.


Choose high-resolution photos to showcase your products in the best light. After all, the photos will often be the first thing customers see. Shopify allows you to edit and resize the photos once you upload them. Want to take the hassle out of this process? We have a pack for that

Set prices and payment processor

Set the prices. You can always change these later! You must also activate the payment processor to ensure you are ready to accept payments. You can use Shopify payments no matter your location. 

There are a lot of options you can choose to accept payments. You can use the Shopify payment processor or a third-party system. You can accept various payment forms like Google Pay or credit cards. Consider the fees the payment processor charges. 

Most payment gateways charge for every transaction. Choose one with low fees and make sure you accept a variety of payment options. Provide your business information if using Shopify pay!

Set up the checkout

You can modify your checkout settings in Shopify. Keep the customer accounts optional to allow customers to check out as guests. Consider the following.

  • Abandoned checkouts. Set up an automatic reminder for customers who visit your store but don't check out. Shopify sends an email 10 hours after a customer abandons the checkout.
  • Customer contact. Allow customers to decide how they want to be reached. It could be through a text message or email.
  • Email marketing. Provide customers a way to subscribe during checkout. You can reach out to them with discounts and new products to increase sales.

Generate policies

Shopify provides tools to generate terms and conditions, return policies, and standard privacy settings. Go to settings > legal > scroll down to refund. You'll see the privacy tab. Click on the terms of service. You can go to the shipping statements section to see a policy sample.

Choose domain name

You'll need a domain name if you are serious about selling online. A custom domain name gives your brand recognition. Shopify includes by default. Go to the main dashboard and click on the domain button. Make it easy to remember. You can connect your Shopify store to an existing domain, buy a new domain, or transfer an existing domain. You can launch your store once you set up the domain. You are now officially open for business! YAY.

Launch your Shopify store

Here is a Shopify store launch checklist that may help during the process!

Add sales channel

Customers are moving toward a multi-channel purchase. They are more likely to use sales channels when buying a product. The following are the sales channels you can integrate into your store:

  • Amazon
  • eBay
  • Google Shopping
  • Social channels

Check the payment gateway

You have to make sure your customers can complete their purchases and you are set up to collect payment. Place a test order on your store to check if everything runs smoothly.

Set up standard pages

Customers will most likely not purchase right when they land on your store. They need some time to poke around and familiarize themselves with your brand. They will look for relevant information on your site. The customer needs to know what you are selling. Who you are and if you are reliable. Here are the vital pages to have on your online store to nudge visitors to purchase.


The homepage is an essential stop on your shoppers journey to purchase. It helps visitors get more information. Think of it like an outfit, whether it’s bold and colorful or minimal and moody it helps viewers create a first impression. So whatever aesthetic fits your brand, make sure your homepage wears it well. The homepage should be easy on the eyes and feature great product photography.


Display your email, phone number, and live chat on your contact page. Live chat is easy for customers to get in touch with you. A contact form on your store also allows the customer to reach you when you are not online.


The about page gives visitors more information about your brand. It’s okay to do a little humble bragging (you deserve it!). Let your personality shine through and share your story. This is the place to showcase information that you can't put in your ads or on product pages.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Here is where you can predict questions that your customers might have. Look at your competitor's FAQs to see their questions about their store. Never assume that your customers know everything. It’s best to assume that they don't know anything about your products, payment methods, or logistics. Answer questions that come to your mind first!

Product page

The product page is where customers check out the product images and read the product information. It's where customers decide to buy your product or not. Make the images enticing and provide detailed descriptions.

Review email notification setting

An email is a powerful tool for any store owner. It is an excellent way to communicate with your customers and build loyalty. Shopify comes with automated emails you can customize before launching your Shopify store. The following are some emails you should customize.

  • Receipts
  • Welcome series
  • Shipping notifications
  • Order confirmation
  • Abandoned cart notifications

Set up an analytics tool

Tracking your visitor’s behavior is crucial to success. You should integrate an analytics tool in your store on the very first day. Google analytics is the common tool used for analytics and one we highly recommend! It provides insight to areas you have to optimize and customer behavior.

Set up tax and shipping

Make sure you double-check the tax and shipping. It can reduce your profits if you don't set them correctly. You should offer free shipping for your products on your Shopify store. Set it as default from the account settings. Make sure you factor the shipping into the price to help you earn a profit. Go to Shopify settings then shipping and delete all domestic shipping zones. Click on the shipping zone. Type free shipping and choose the rest of the world. Click save once you are done. Let customers know the shipping costs if you don't offer free shipping.

Set up billing information

If you’re nearing the end of your 14-day trial period, take time to set up the billing details to keep your store active. The basic plan is A-OK! 

Optimize your images

Don’t let slow loading speeds hurt your traffic! Unoptimized images take up too much loading capacity. Make sure the images on your site are optimized. Here are tips for optimizing your site images:

  • Optimize the alt attributes. The alt attributes are used for SEO optimization and web accessibility. Use keywords to optimize the alt attributes.
  • Choose the appropriate file type. Stick to .png or .jpg. You can also use .gif.
  • Be descriptive about naming. Stick to keywords on the product pages and site.
  • Reduce image size. Compress the images and reduce their file size.
  • Optimize homepage images. Optimize your home page images to ensure visitors don't leave. Use the smallest image size without affecting the quality.

Market your Shopify store

Marketing your Shopify store is KEY to converting sales. And how you market your product matters! There are a plethora of creative ways to market your product. 

Start by making sure your products have great photography and are appealing then hit the ground running in the following ways:

Use Shopify push notifications

Push notifications are an excellent way to promote your store. You can nurture leads using push notifications. You'll only notify people who agree to receive them.

Use social media

Social media has millions of monthly users. That’s one of the best places you can promote your store. You can use organic or paid advertising on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Instagram, Youtube, and more.

Email marketing campaigns

Email is a popular marketing medium and has a high conversion rate. It's the second most popular acquisition channel for ecommerce stores. You'll need an email marketing software to do it, but you can use the native email campaign software by Shopify. You can also use a dedicated email marketing platform for better functionality.

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is effective in creating brand awareness and boosting sales. Make sure you get the right influencers for your ecommerce store. Look for influencers who align with your brand value and know how to engage with your audience.

Use paid ads

Paid advertising will help you generate more sales for your ecommerce store. The ads help you target customers who are already shopping for your products. The ads appear on top of Google and will extend your products visibility.

Referral marketing

You can also promote your Shopify store using a referral program. It is a great way to get new clients. You can use referral campaigns to reward your loyal customers and keep them coming back!

So you’ve got your Shopify store… now what?

You have successfully created your Shopify store. Congrats! Now it’s time to focus on improving customer service, sales, and user experience to have a successful store. First stop: photography! soona can help with our new Shopify starter pack that’s built to help you grow on Shopify.

Contact us today to get started.

A Complete Guide to Starting a Shopify Store

This is the moment. You put your heart and soul (too much? never.) into creating a new product and it’s officially time to share the labor of your love with the world. The good news is, getting started with a Shopify store is easier than you might think! Since Shopify offers a 14-day free trial, you can get started in just a few clicks and experiment with the platform as much as you want. With the right domain name, product listings, and product photography, you can customize your store to reach your ideal customers and start converting sales. Shopify is one of the best options for selling products online and it's a breeze to set up. Let’s get into it. Here is a go-to guide for starting a Shopify store.

Setting up your Shopify store

Starting a Shopify store is easy. Just follow these steps and you’ll be on your way to sales!

Go to Shopify

First things first, click “start free trial” on the Shopify homepage at the top right corner. Enter your registration details, create a strong password, and set up a two-step authentication for store login. (A safe account will ensure your customers' information is safe.)

Choose a business name

The next step is choosing a business name. The store name should be the same as the brand name. Pick a name that is easy to remember. Go for something short and simple. Add the word “store” at the end of your business name. You can use the free Shopify business name generator for the ecommerce name. Make sure you add a keyword to your business name. Come up with about ten names. And make sure that the name you choose is not trademarked!

Create your Shopify account

Shopify has made the process of creating an online store seamless. It only takes a few clicks to get set up, even if you opt for the free 14-day trial. After creating a shop, you can add products, pick a theme, and configure the shipping and payment options. 

Click on Get Started, then enter your email address, password, and store name. Enter necessary information once done. Shopify will redirect you to the admin panel. Go with the basic plan for $29 per month to test everything on Shopify once the trial period ends. You can scale up as your business grows.

Choose a theme

Now the fun part! It's time to think about how your store will look. We all know first impressions are EVERYTHING, so this step is crucial. Go to Shopify Theme to choose from a variety of options. Shopify has hundreds of free and paid themes to choose from. A free theme allows you to adjust carousel slides, colors, fonts, and add your logo to give it a personal touch. Premium themes have additional modifications to create a professional-looking storefronts. Use HTML and CSS to add even more customization options.


Add products

You’re doing great so far! Now it’s time to add products to your online store. Go to the products tab and click on add product to start. The product listing is a vital part of your store because it helps customers decide whether they want to purchase! Make sure you check out other Shopify stores to see their product display and get inspired. Here are the aspects to include in your product listing.

Product Title

The product title needs to show what you are selling clearly. Keep it short and use relevant keywords to help customers find your products.

Product descriptions

The product description outlines the benefits and features of a product. Explain to customers everything they need to know about the product. Make it easy to read. Use short paragraphs. Include bullet points where necessary.


Choose high-resolution photos to showcase your products in the best light. After all, the photos will often be the first thing customers see. Shopify allows you to edit and resize the photos once you upload them. Want to take the hassle out of this process? We have a pack for that

Set prices and payment processor

Set the prices. You can always change these later! You must also activate the payment processor to ensure you are ready to accept payments. You can use Shopify payments no matter your location. 

There are a lot of options you can choose to accept payments. You can use the Shopify payment processor or a third-party system. You can accept various payment forms like Google Pay or credit cards. Consider the fees the payment processor charges. 

Most payment gateways charge for every transaction. Choose one with low fees and make sure you accept a variety of payment options. Provide your business information if using Shopify pay!

Set up the checkout

You can modify your checkout settings in Shopify. Keep the customer accounts optional to allow customers to check out as guests. Consider the following.

  • Abandoned checkouts. Set up an automatic reminder for customers who visit your store but don't check out. Shopify sends an email 10 hours after a customer abandons the checkout.
  • Customer contact. Allow customers to decide how they want to be reached. It could be through a text message or email.
  • Email marketing. Provide customers a way to subscribe during checkout. You can reach out to them with discounts and new products to increase sales.

Generate policies

Shopify provides tools to generate terms and conditions, return policies, and standard privacy settings. Go to settings > legal > scroll down to refund. You'll see the privacy tab. Click on the terms of service. You can go to the shipping statements section to see a policy sample.

Choose domain name

You'll need a domain name if you are serious about selling online. A custom domain name gives your brand recognition. Shopify includes by default. Go to the main dashboard and click on the domain button. Make it easy to remember. You can connect your Shopify store to an existing domain, buy a new domain, or transfer an existing domain. You can launch your store once you set up the domain. You are now officially open for business! YAY.

Launch your Shopify store

Here is a Shopify store launch checklist that may help during the process!

Add sales channel

Customers are moving toward a multi-channel purchase. They are more likely to use sales channels when buying a product. The following are the sales channels you can integrate into your store:

  • Amazon
  • eBay
  • Google Shopping
  • Social channels

Check the payment gateway

You have to make sure your customers can complete their purchases and you are set up to collect payment. Place a test order on your store to check if everything runs smoothly.

Set up standard pages

Customers will most likely not purchase right when they land on your store. They need some time to poke around and familiarize themselves with your brand. They will look for relevant information on your site. The customer needs to know what you are selling. Who you are and if you are reliable. Here are the vital pages to have on your online store to nudge visitors to purchase.


The homepage is an essential stop on your shoppers journey to purchase. It helps visitors get more information. Think of it like an outfit, whether it’s bold and colorful or minimal and moody it helps viewers create a first impression. So whatever aesthetic fits your brand, make sure your homepage wears it well. The homepage should be easy on the eyes and feature great product photography.


Display your email, phone number, and live chat on your contact page. Live chat is easy for customers to get in touch with you. A contact form on your store also allows the customer to reach you when you are not online.


The about page gives visitors more information about your brand. It’s okay to do a little humble bragging (you deserve it!). Let your personality shine through and share your story. This is the place to showcase information that you can't put in your ads or on product pages.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Here is where you can predict questions that your customers might have. Look at your competitor's FAQs to see their questions about their store. Never assume that your customers know everything. It’s best to assume that they don't know anything about your products, payment methods, or logistics. Answer questions that come to your mind first!

Product page

The product page is where customers check out the product images and read the product information. It's where customers decide to buy your product or not. Make the images enticing and provide detailed descriptions.

Review email notification setting

An email is a powerful tool for any store owner. It is an excellent way to communicate with your customers and build loyalty. Shopify comes with automated emails you can customize before launching your Shopify store. The following are some emails you should customize.

  • Receipts
  • Welcome series
  • Shipping notifications
  • Order confirmation
  • Abandoned cart notifications

Set up an analytics tool

Tracking your visitor’s behavior is crucial to success. You should integrate an analytics tool in your store on the very first day. Google analytics is the common tool used for analytics and one we highly recommend! It provides insight to areas you have to optimize and customer behavior.

Set up tax and shipping

Make sure you double-check the tax and shipping. It can reduce your profits if you don't set them correctly. You should offer free shipping for your products on your Shopify store. Set it as default from the account settings. Make sure you factor the shipping into the price to help you earn a profit. Go to Shopify settings then shipping and delete all domestic shipping zones. Click on the shipping zone. Type free shipping and choose the rest of the world. Click save once you are done. Let customers know the shipping costs if you don't offer free shipping.

Set up billing information

If you’re nearing the end of your 14-day trial period, take time to set up the billing details to keep your store active. The basic plan is A-OK! 

Optimize your images

Don’t let slow loading speeds hurt your traffic! Unoptimized images take up too much loading capacity. Make sure the images on your site are optimized. Here are tips for optimizing your site images:

  • Optimize the alt attributes. The alt attributes are used for SEO optimization and web accessibility. Use keywords to optimize the alt attributes.
  • Choose the appropriate file type. Stick to .png or .jpg. You can also use .gif.
  • Be descriptive about naming. Stick to keywords on the product pages and site.
  • Reduce image size. Compress the images and reduce their file size.
  • Optimize homepage images. Optimize your home page images to ensure visitors don't leave. Use the smallest image size without affecting the quality.

Market your Shopify store

Marketing your Shopify store is KEY to converting sales. And how you market your product matters! There are a plethora of creative ways to market your product. 

Start by making sure your products have great photography and are appealing then hit the ground running in the following ways:

Use Shopify push notifications

Push notifications are an excellent way to promote your store. You can nurture leads using push notifications. You'll only notify people who agree to receive them.

Use social media

Social media has millions of monthly users. That’s one of the best places you can promote your store. You can use organic or paid advertising on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Instagram, Youtube, and more.

Email marketing campaigns

Email is a popular marketing medium and has a high conversion rate. It's the second most popular acquisition channel for ecommerce stores. You'll need an email marketing software to do it, but you can use the native email campaign software by Shopify. You can also use a dedicated email marketing platform for better functionality.

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is effective in creating brand awareness and boosting sales. Make sure you get the right influencers for your ecommerce store. Look for influencers who align with your brand value and know how to engage with your audience.

Use paid ads

Paid advertising will help you generate more sales for your ecommerce store. The ads help you target customers who are already shopping for your products. The ads appear on top of Google and will extend your products visibility.

Referral marketing

You can also promote your Shopify store using a referral program. It is a great way to get new clients. You can use referral campaigns to reward your loyal customers and keep them coming back!

So you’ve got your Shopify store… now what?

You have successfully created your Shopify store. Congrats! Now it’s time to focus on improving customer service, sales, and user experience to have a successful store. First stop: photography! soona can help with our new Shopify starter pack that’s built to help you grow on Shopify.

Contact us today to get started.

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