soona   we create the best content for commerce   soona   we create the best content for commerce

soona   we create the best content for commerce   soona   we create the best content for commerce

soona   we create the best content for commerce   soona   we create the best content for commerce

Launch Days & Champagne

Experience the latest innovation from soona: the soona score. A cutting-edge visual analytics engine revolutionizing how brands analyze and optimize their images for sales.

Liz Giorgi
Liz Giorgi
CEO & Co-Founder
Liz Giorgi
CEO & Co-Founder
February 16, 2024

Hi friends,

Last week, I attended the ribbon cutting for some founder friends who are literally launching a rocket into space. For the last 7 years, my friends Vanessa and William have been building a space company that hopes to be the literal tow truck for space, refueling and moving space crafts and satellites in orbit. It was a wild and proud moment, because I have known thm since 2019 when we did Techstars Boulder together and were both living and building toward a future that was entirely theoretical at the time. soona had its Earthside launch by 2020, so it’s incredibly easy to forget that just 5 years ago, we were all hopes, dreams and extreme amounts of caffeine. Today, we have real businesses doing incredibly interesting things in the world. (And above the world, in their case!) 

Last Thursday, soona launched our single largest innovation since the virtual photoshoot we pioneered in those early days. It’s called the soona score. A first of its kind visual analytics computer vision powered engine that helps brands analyze the images that actually result in sales and pinpoint those that are hurting performance. 

After producing millions of images over the last few years, and working with commerce platforms big and small, we have high conviction that shopping is inherently a visual experience. And that great content, more than any other strategy, can be the difference between a browser and a buyer. 

The soona score is part of a massive overhaul of the soona platform that aims to bring together the “big 3” of content for commerce: making content, managing content and measuring content. 

Now, when you log into your soona account, you’ll see these 3 pillars of functionality in your sidebar. You’ll notice awesome new capabilities in your content too. From integrated media editing tools that allow you to do background swaps and edits live during your shoot to the ability to upload your non-soona content into the platform to help manage all your store content in one place.

It’s not a space launch. But it’s equally huge in my heart. This work is the result of thousands of customers sharing their feedback. The result of countless human hours building and tweaking and learning how to bring our customers new tools. The result of a crew who tirelessly held to the vision and didn’t give up. The result of an acquisition that made us smarter and broadened our sense of possibility. And the result of that blind founder ambition that really hasn’t changed since 2019 when Hayley and I were in Techstars. 

I have always believed that the internet is made more beautiful by what we do here at soona. This week, we are proving it. 

I hope you will check it out at




Hi friends,

Last week, I attended the ribbon cutting for some founder friends who are literally launching a rocket into space. For the last 7 years, my friends Vanessa and William have been building a space company that hopes to be the literal tow truck for space, refueling and moving space crafts and satellites in orbit. It was a wild and proud moment, because I have known thm since 2019 when we did Techstars Boulder together and were both living and building toward a future that was entirely theoretical at the time. soona had its Earthside launch by 2020, so it’s incredibly easy to forget that just 5 years ago, we were all hopes, dreams and extreme amounts of caffeine. Today, we have real businesses doing incredibly interesting things in the world. (And above the world, in their case!) 

Last Thursday, soona launched our single largest innovation since the virtual photoshoot we pioneered in those early days. It’s called the soona score. A first of its kind visual analytics computer vision powered engine that helps brands analyze the images that actually result in sales and pinpoint those that are hurting performance. 

After producing millions of images over the last few years, and working with commerce platforms big and small, we have high conviction that shopping is inherently a visual experience. And that great content, more than any other strategy, can be the difference between a browser and a buyer. 

The soona score is part of a massive overhaul of the soona platform that aims to bring together the “big 3” of content for commerce: making content, managing content and measuring content. 

Now, when you log into your soona account, you’ll see these 3 pillars of functionality in your sidebar. You’ll notice awesome new capabilities in your content too. From integrated media editing tools that allow you to do background swaps and edits live during your shoot to the ability to upload your non-soona content into the platform to help manage all your store content in one place.

It’s not a space launch. But it’s equally huge in my heart. This work is the result of thousands of customers sharing their feedback. The result of countless human hours building and tweaking and learning how to bring our customers new tools. The result of a crew who tirelessly held to the vision and didn’t give up. The result of an acquisition that made us smarter and broadened our sense of possibility. And the result of that blind founder ambition that really hasn’t changed since 2019 when Hayley and I were in Techstars. 

I have always believed that the internet is made more beautiful by what we do here at soona. This week, we are proving it. 

I hope you will check it out at




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