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soona   we create the best content for commerce   soona   we create the best content for commerce

soona   we create the best content for commerce   soona   we create the best content for commerce

it’s THAT time of year again!

It’s hard to believe that it’s already that time of year - but I am here to tell you - it’s THAT time of year. Time to prepare for holiday 2023.

Liz Giorgi
Liz Giorgi
CEO & Co-Founder
Liz Giorgi
CEO & Co-Founder
September 5, 2023

It’s hard to believe that it’s already that time of year - but I am here to tell you - it’s THAT time of year. Time to prepare for holiday 2023.

Whether you’re excited or you’re feeling overwhelmed, I’m here to remind you that the key to success during this time of year is really simple. There are only 3 things you REALLY need to do in order to succeed:

  1. Choose your discounting strategy.
  2. Pick your platforms of focus. 
  3. Use your discounting strategy to focus conversions on said platforms of focus.

I know it’s easier said than done, so let’s talk about why I think a singularly focused approach is so essential right now. The largest retailers in the world are reporting that they expect a really competitive holiday season this year. That competitive environment is likely to drive a few behaviors from the big guys: pushing their promotions to earlier in the year. (Like, right now.) Second: heavy discounting will start to show up. And finally: free gifts to round out the final push for sales. 

So knowing this is likely to be the approach - your best bet is to zig when they are zagging. And here’s how I see that coming to life for small and medium-sized merchants:

  1. Your discounting strategy should be straightforward and bound by clear pushes. Is it going to be 25% off of a first purchase? 30% off a $100 purchase or more? Pick an approach and run with it. If you keep changing it up, you will likely confuse your customers and potentially even teach them that a better discount is coming around the corner. We don’t want to do that.
  1. It’s easy to feel like your store should be the primary focus right now, but driving to your .com is not all that advantageous. Instead, think about leveraging TikTok or Instagram’s built-in commerce tools to reduce the number of clicks from engagement to purchase with your shopper. 
  1. And bringing it all home: these social native transactions also welcome discounting! So, the exclusivity shoppers will experience by seeing that 30% off of a $100 purchase on Instagram will not only feel more urgent, but it will feel exclusive to the location.

The big guys won’t be playing this way, as they are all moving much more slowly to social commerce. Lucky for you, their lawyers are still swirling on Slack channels trying to decide what risks exist for taking purchases off platform. So that’s where you have a moment to shine and compete.

Especially central to succeeding in social commerce this year? Having content that is purpose-built for these locations! Of course, soona has got you. Our holiday sets and scenes are out earlier than ever to help you start planning now.  

Let’s defy everyone’s expectations and do something different. It’s your holiday season to win. 

It’s hard to believe that it’s already that time of year - but I am here to tell you - it’s THAT time of year. Time to prepare for holiday 2023.

Whether you’re excited or you’re feeling overwhelmed, I’m here to remind you that the key to success during this time of year is really simple. There are only 3 things you REALLY need to do in order to succeed:

  1. Choose your discounting strategy.
  2. Pick your platforms of focus. 
  3. Use your discounting strategy to focus conversions on said platforms of focus.

I know it’s easier said than done, so let’s talk about why I think a singularly focused approach is so essential right now. The largest retailers in the world are reporting that they expect a really competitive holiday season this year. That competitive environment is likely to drive a few behaviors from the big guys: pushing their promotions to earlier in the year. (Like, right now.) Second: heavy discounting will start to show up. And finally: free gifts to round out the final push for sales. 

So knowing this is likely to be the approach - your best bet is to zig when they are zagging. And here’s how I see that coming to life for small and medium-sized merchants:

  1. Your discounting strategy should be straightforward and bound by clear pushes. Is it going to be 25% off of a first purchase? 30% off a $100 purchase or more? Pick an approach and run with it. If you keep changing it up, you will likely confuse your customers and potentially even teach them that a better discount is coming around the corner. We don’t want to do that.
  1. It’s easy to feel like your store should be the primary focus right now, but driving to your .com is not all that advantageous. Instead, think about leveraging TikTok or Instagram’s built-in commerce tools to reduce the number of clicks from engagement to purchase with your shopper. 
  1. And bringing it all home: these social native transactions also welcome discounting! So, the exclusivity shoppers will experience by seeing that 30% off of a $100 purchase on Instagram will not only feel more urgent, but it will feel exclusive to the location.

The big guys won’t be playing this way, as they are all moving much more slowly to social commerce. Lucky for you, their lawyers are still swirling on Slack channels trying to decide what risks exist for taking purchases off platform. So that’s where you have a moment to shine and compete.

Especially central to succeeding in social commerce this year? Having content that is purpose-built for these locations! Of course, soona has got you. Our holiday sets and scenes are out earlier than ever to help you start planning now.  

Let’s defy everyone’s expectations and do something different. It’s your holiday season to win. 

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