5 Ways to Use GIFs in Your Content Strategy

Learn how incorporating GIFs into your content strategy can increase engagement, improve brand awareness, and drive traffic to your website.

senior director of creative product
senior director of creative product
June 14, 2021

you’ve LOL’d at GIFs while scrolling through your phone. maybe you’ve even saved one for a future interaction. or you were simply glad your favorite brand showed you how to tie that new top you bought without having to watch a whole video. whatever it was: GIFs kept you engaged. let’s talk about all the ways to use GIFs in your content strategy.

tell your brand story

branded GIFs are exactly that: branding. they show your personality and how you want your brand to be perceived. bright colors and tons of movement showcase a playful brand while a simple pour on a neutral background is meant to be more serious & functional. when thinking through your content strategy: find inspo GIFs you think give off your brand’s energy + add it to the plan for your shoot.

level up your product listings & demos

GIFs seem best fit for social. but your GIFs can tell a story within your store too. consider what a gif could look like in your product listings. it can help customers understand your product a bit better. the best way to help customers understand your product is to show it. there are typically parts of product use you simply can’t capture in still photos only. GIFs do a good job of showing this in a super-fun-totally-not-a-boring-product-demo kinda way.


increase audience engagement

GIFs are the internet’s language and if you’re selling on the internet: you should be speaking it. consumers are engaging with motion graphics and digital video more than ever. there’s a reason Giphy had 500 million daily active users consuming over 11 hours of gif content every day in 2019. people are drawn to them. if you consider engagement a key metric for your business (you should!): creating GIFs can help you meet your goals.

step up your social game

speaking of engagement: where else to look first than how you’re using GIFs on social media? the best thing about GIFs is that they work across all of your platforms. they’re more engaging than photos but they’re smaller & more digestible than video. you can very easily tell similar stories across your platforms using a few stunning GIFs. break up the monotony of that feed & mix it up a bit. even more fun? maybe drop a branded GIF in a Twitter reply.

add interest to emails

consumers receive so many emails in a day. it’s crucial that your email is the one that catches their eye. movement in your content can help do just that. GIFs have been shown to increase conversion by 103%. and they work well in most mail clients. including Gmail. ‘nuff said.ready to get some GIFs in your life? we are too. start here to learn more about creating GIFs at soona.if you’re looking to ramp up your content game but still feel unsure where to start - check out these resources:

you’ve LOL’d at GIFs while scrolling through your phone. maybe you’ve even saved one for a future interaction. or you were simply glad your favorite brand showed you how to tie that new top you bought without having to watch a whole video. whatever it was: GIFs kept you engaged. let’s talk about all the ways to use GIFs in your content strategy.

tell your brand story

branded GIFs are exactly that: branding. they show your personality and how you want your brand to be perceived. bright colors and tons of movement showcase a playful brand while a simple pour on a neutral background is meant to be more serious & functional. when thinking through your content strategy: find inspo GIFs you think give off your brand’s energy + add it to the plan for your shoot.

level up your product listings & demos

GIFs seem best fit for social. but your GIFs can tell a story within your store too. consider what a gif could look like in your product listings. it can help customers understand your product a bit better. the best way to help customers understand your product is to show it. there are typically parts of product use you simply can’t capture in still photos only. GIFs do a good job of showing this in a super-fun-totally-not-a-boring-product-demo kinda way.


increase audience engagement

GIFs are the internet’s language and if you’re selling on the internet: you should be speaking it. consumers are engaging with motion graphics and digital video more than ever. there’s a reason Giphy had 500 million daily active users consuming over 11 hours of gif content every day in 2019. people are drawn to them. if you consider engagement a key metric for your business (you should!): creating GIFs can help you meet your goals.

step up your social game

speaking of engagement: where else to look first than how you’re using GIFs on social media? the best thing about GIFs is that they work across all of your platforms. they’re more engaging than photos but they’re smaller & more digestible than video. you can very easily tell similar stories across your platforms using a few stunning GIFs. break up the monotony of that feed & mix it up a bit. even more fun? maybe drop a branded GIF in a Twitter reply.

add interest to emails

consumers receive so many emails in a day. it’s crucial that your email is the one that catches their eye. movement in your content can help do just that. GIFs have been shown to increase conversion by 103%. and they work well in most mail clients. including Gmail. ‘nuff said.ready to get some GIFs in your life? we are too. start here to learn more about creating GIFs at soona.if you’re looking to ramp up your content game but still feel unsure where to start - check out these resources:

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