ay yAI yAI (get it?)

It feels we have reached the peak AI hype cycle. I’m sure a competitor (or 10) to soona has been writing you sales emails, targeting you on social, and asking you to try their AI photo generator.

Liz Giorgi
Liz Giorgi
CEO & Co-Founder
Liz Giorgi
CEO & Co-Founder
August 1, 2023

Hi friends,

It feels we have reached the peak AI hype cycle. I’m sure a competitor (or 10) to soona has been writing you sales emails, targeting you on social, and asking you to try their AI photo generator. Have you tried them? What did you think?

We have been spending a lot of time at soona thinking about what the future of human creativity is in a world where AI can generate everything from an ecommerce photo to a realistic video model of an actor. Gotta tell you the truth: I am equal parts excited and worried about this new frontier. Technology has been a huge part of our success. In fact, applying technology to creativity is the literal purpose of our company! But when we get to the blurry line of using AI tech to replace something as essential as the models and photographers and stylists that create the content we sell, well, it feels like a murky area.

Last week, we launched The Darkroom, a new homepage for all the innovation and integration work we are doing at soona to help your business grow through new ways of approaching creativity. One of the things I most wanted to include? A position paper on how soona will use AI in the future. To be clear, soona intends to use AI in smart ways in our product to improve your experience, reduce friction and improve the affordability of creative assets. But, we also landed on a few principles for applying AI to human creativity that we hope you will agree should be adopted by our entire industry.
We believe that Ethically Creative AI should: 

  1. Provide Appropriate Authorship: Put simply, if an AI created an asset, shoppers and viewers have a right to know. 
  2. Respect Cultural Norms: If a human creative would not feel comfortable doing something, we would not ask an AI to do it instead. 
  3. Seek Consent: In order to be sure that you are getting content that wasn’t stolen, we want tech companies to ask creators and brands to “opt-in” to their content being included in training data.

If you are interested in hearing me expand more on these topics, you can read the entire position paper here. As this new future unfolds, we will continue to provide leadership in this area. After all, we believe in the power of human creativity. It connects us. Inspires us. And it shapes our culture. I want to be part of preserving and expanding our human creativity. AI can do that. But not if we don’t carefully consider how it is implemented.


Hi friends,

It feels we have reached the peak AI hype cycle. I’m sure a competitor (or 10) to soona has been writing you sales emails, targeting you on social, and asking you to try their AI photo generator. Have you tried them? What did you think?

We have been spending a lot of time at soona thinking about what the future of human creativity is in a world where AI can generate everything from an ecommerce photo to a realistic video model of an actor. Gotta tell you the truth: I am equal parts excited and worried about this new frontier. Technology has been a huge part of our success. In fact, applying technology to creativity is the literal purpose of our company! But when we get to the blurry line of using AI tech to replace something as essential as the models and photographers and stylists that create the content we sell, well, it feels like a murky area.

Last week, we launched The Darkroom, a new homepage for all the innovation and integration work we are doing at soona to help your business grow through new ways of approaching creativity. One of the things I most wanted to include? A position paper on how soona will use AI in the future. To be clear, soona intends to use AI in smart ways in our product to improve your experience, reduce friction and improve the affordability of creative assets. But, we also landed on a few principles for applying AI to human creativity that we hope you will agree should be adopted by our entire industry.
We believe that Ethically Creative AI should: 

  1. Provide Appropriate Authorship: Put simply, if an AI created an asset, shoppers and viewers have a right to know. 
  2. Respect Cultural Norms: If a human creative would not feel comfortable doing something, we would not ask an AI to do it instead. 
  3. Seek Consent: In order to be sure that you are getting content that wasn’t stolen, we want tech companies to ask creators and brands to “opt-in” to their content being included in training data.

If you are interested in hearing me expand more on these topics, you can read the entire position paper here. As this new future unfolds, we will continue to provide leadership in this area. After all, we believe in the power of human creativity. It connects us. Inspires us. And it shapes our culture. I want to be part of preserving and expanding our human creativity. AI can do that. But not if we don’t carefully consider how it is implemented.


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