make your product the star of the show with a clean and classic white backdrop. a true staple for your ecomm store.

20k brands ❤️ us

white background product photography made easy

Are you tired of lackluster product photos that don't stand out? Are your online sales suffering as a result? The problem is likely due to poor lighting and backgrounds that don't showcase your product's best features. But don't worry, there's a solution: product on white photography! By using a white background and proper lighting techniques, your products will pop and attract customers' attention.

We get it. Shooting on a white backdrop sounds uber boring. But what if we told you that product on white photography is like the Swiss Army knife of e-commerce? At soona, pure white background photography (or product on white photography as the fancy folks call it) is exactly what it sounds like. But better.

So what do you say? Are you ready to say goodbye to mediocre product photos and hello to increased sales? Stick with us and keep scrolling! We're going to explore the benefits of product on white photography and provide tips on how to achieve the best results.


get started with our ecomm packs

packs make it easy to get everything you need for all the places you sell.

ecomm starter pack
13 photos + 2 animated GIFs + 1 hand model for 5 products
hand model demo video pack
15-30 second video featuring 3 angles + 1 hand model + 1 music track
model demo video
30-60 second video featuring 5 angles of a model interacting with your product + music
ecomm starter pack
ecomm starter pack
13 photos + 2 animated GIFs + 1 hand model for 5 products
designed for
hand model demo video pack
hand model demo video pack
15-30 second video featuring 3 angles + 1 hand model + 1 music track
designed for
model demo video
model demo video
30-60 second video featuring 5 angles of a model interacting with your product + music
designed for

why is product on white photography so important?

Photographing on a white background brings your product to center stage and makes it the star of the show! When you’ve got less than a few seconds (0.05 seconds to be exact) to make an impression on customers, making sure your product images stand out is crucial to securing a spot in your shopper's cart.

Think of product photos on white backgrounds as the secret sauce to giving your product that crisp & clean look. They're extremely versatile and super easy to use on your website, Amazon, Shopify, category page, social media, email, snail mail...you get the idea. A single pure white background image means a multitude of uses across all channels. How’s that for getting the most bang for your buck?

soona guide to product on white photography

why is soona the expert in product on white?

As the go-to product photography studio for more than 15K brands and merchants, you may have heard that shooting product photography is our thing. We know the perfect light source, shutter speed, white balance settings, and general camera settings to capture the content you need to convert!

Product on white is essential in e-commerce. The bread and butter of product photography. And we’ve been following the same process (yes it is a process) for so long that we can confidently call ourselves experts on the subject!

It’s easy to think of pure white product photography as a simple point and shoot operation. At soona it’s anything BUT. We wouldn’t do your product dirty like that! When trusting us with your e-comm photos you’re going to get a variety of angles, perfect studio lighting, and the ease of mind that your own product photos are ready for ANY platform.


what is the cost of product photos on white background?

Priceless! 😉 In all seriousness, when getting product photography on a white background done at soona there are two options. The first is a BYO photoshoot, where you build your own shot list and can purchase each image for only $39. 

For new merchants looking to level up their content game we recommend the second option - our product on white pack. It’s the fastest and easiest way to get flawless photos for your selling platform of choice and the best part is that it is one set, discounted price.
Learn why packs are the most economical choice for your biz here. 🔥

what can I expect from a white background photoshoot?

how many angles will I get?

Three of the most common angles for product images on white backgrounds are:

  1. straight on
  2. 3/4ths
  3. overhead

These help your customer get an idea of what’s included in your product including small features, size comparison, and even the dope packaging you designed! That said…we’re also production perfectionists who love variety, so we will always try to get as many awesome angles as we can in the time allotted for your photoshoot. Have a product that's reflective? Fear not! We can also shoot products in a light box with a plain white background to get you the angles and high quality images you need.

what is the difference between hard and soft shadows for white background photos?

Ready to geek out with us? 🤓

Hard shadows help your product stand out from the background by using bold and sharp edges. It’s perfect for products that deserve a little (or a lot) of drama. Hard shadows typically mimic direct sunlight, or some type of natural light, and create shadows that the sun hypothetically would. Luckily, we have complete control in the studio, so here’s what it looks like IRL:

hard shadows

Soft shadows put your product front and center with lighter edges. It’s subtle but perfect for showcasing the color, shape, and details of your product. Typically we use two lights and shoot through umbrellas to create the best light to accentuate your products. The key here is to make sure all sides of the product have the same shadow tone (i.e. soft shadows), or no shadows at all. Want to learn more about some of our favorite product photography tips on when to use shadows (or when not to)? Check out our blog post, How to Leverage Shadows in Product Photography. In the meantime, here's an example of soft shadows at play:

soft shadows

what are Amazon and Shopify requirements for product photos on a white backdrop?

Each e-commerce platform has their own set of best practices when it comes to featuring product photography on a white background. Uploading the wrong file size of your image could make your product appear pixelated, blurry, or distorted on the product description page (PDP). All of which are big turn offs for potential customers (and an even bigger disservice to your awesome product). 

Product photos on white backgrounds save the day for e-commerce merchants because they help your product blend in seamlessly on Amazon and Shopify pages, giving them that clean “buy me” look.
To save you the stress and hassle we even created platform specific product photography packs and image spec guides to ensure your final image sizes are platform optimized. All you need to do is upload your flawless photos then sit back and listen to the sweet sounds of shopping notifications roll in.

do I need product on white photos?

If you’re an e-commerce merchant who wants your storefront to make moolah then you need white background product images. 💰 Product photography on a white background is the most versatile and can be used across Amazon, Shopify, Squarespace or wherever you do business online. Plus the production fanatics at soona will go nuts with Oscar-worthy studio lights and fresh angles so you can walk away with profesh photos you’ll be proud of.

how can I use my product on white photos beyond my e-comm site?

We thought you'd never ask! Once you've perfected your PDPs, there are a few recommendations to help extend the lifespan of your product images and ensure they look great on any platform:


ready to plan your product on white photoshoot?

Ready to plan your product on white photoshoot? If you're struggling to create high-quality product photographs and images that accurately represent your brand, you're not alone. Poorly lit or unprofessional product images can negatively impact sales and damage your brand's reputation. However, by using the right techniques and equipment for a product on white photography, you can elevate your product images and attract more customers.

With the help of our skilled photographers and the right setup, your products will shine in crisp, clean, and visually stunning photographs that will help you stand out in the market. Invest in a product on white photoshoot and watch your sales soar.

get started with our product on white pack or set up a time to chat with sales for a more custom quote!


got a big project?

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have a large project in mind?
need guidance building a custom shoot?