does steaming include styling of the items?

Steaming includes prep time to ensure your items are wrinkle free before your shoot begins, it does not include a stylist on set to style your steamed items. Styling will be required if you’d like your items styled on your shoot.

how many items can you steam during my shoot?

We can steam up to 20 items. More than 20 items will require multiple steaming upgrades.

when do you steam my items?

Our crew will ensure your items are steamed before your shoot begins. They will also continue to steam your items during the shoot as needed.

who steams my items?

Our in-studio crew will steam and prepare your items for your shoot.

what items can you steam?

We can steam mid to large size wrinkle prone items. We commonly steam:

  • Apparel
  • Bed sheets
  • Duvets
  • Pillow cases
  • Curtains
  • Table cloths
  • Fabric swatches